My work experience abroad


My internship at the end of my 1st year in school of digital IIM, took place in London, in a renowned auction house “Baldwin’s of St James’s”. The tasks entrusted to me were to create ads, catalogues and help with photographing collectibles. This internship was incredibly rewarding on different levels.

On a professional level, this allowed me to apply and improve my skills in Photoshop and develop my skills in digital creation. This was also a great opportunity to gain a better grasp of a company’s internal and external organisation.

On a cultural level, I could fully enjoy all the various and diverse cultural events of London, with its lively and animated atmosphere. (museums/exhibitions, musicals, outdoor theatre, monuments…).

On the human level, I acquired a first relational experience with the company staff, as well as a first apartment-sharing experience abroad, which enabled me to meet people from all walks of life, an amazing opportunity to broaden my mind.


I did my 3rd-year internship in Bangkok, Thailand to complete my Bachelor’s degree after three years of studies at school of digital IIM. This internship was highly instructive and rewarding to strengthen my technical and creative skills in graphic design. I also gained a social and cultural experience, by discovering a new environment, a different way of life and a new culture.

On a professional level, I learned to manage and deal with various challenges and requirements of life in a company. I learned to adapt my way of working to be more efficient. Lastly, and above all, I acquired new skills and a different approach on the principles, rules and vision of design, how to both respect them and divert from these principles to bring a personal touch when possible. “Know the rules so you can break them”.

On a personal level, this internship helped me develop my sociability and interpersonal skills, in a new context of linguistic and cultural diversity. It also enabled me to find new sources of inspiration thanks to Bangkok’s wide range of cultural and traditional events, amazing landscapes and monuments that I’ve had the opportunity to discover.


I did a university exchange following a training course in Digital Design and Event Management for one semester at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) School of Business (Vancouver – Canada). This course helped me strengthen and gain new skills which will complement my current training.

This experience was also an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas and knowledge with students of different cultures on a North-American campus.






Back to LONDON

For the 2nd time, I came back to London to do a new internship. This time, this was in order to complete my Master’s Degree in Digital Design and Creation.

My internship in graphic design and digital communication took place at the French Institute in the UK (Institut français du Royaume-Uni). Working in a cultural institution was a great opportunity for me to expand my skills in digital marketing by covering live events (Night of Ideas 2020) and animating social networks.